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Frozen Canine Delights: 5 DIY Treats to Keep Your Dog Cool this Summer!

Updated: Aug 21, 2023

Have you ever made homemade treats for your dog? I know I enjoy giving my dogs a small homemade treat every now and then. I've handpicked these 5 easy homemade dog treats for your dog to try! - I've learned not all dogs have the same taste, like my Nala dog, for example does not like blueberries. But making your own treats allows you to control the ingredients and cater to your dog's preferences, while also providing a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. Let me know if any of these summer homemade dog treats are something you are going to make! But a quick side note first - here is a short list of foods to avoid when making treats:

Foods to Avoid:

While it's important to offer your dog safe and nutritious treats, it's equally crucial to be aware of potentially toxic foods that can harm them. Here are a few human foods to avoid giving to your dog, especially when using fruits and vegetables for treats:

Grapes and Raisins

Onions and Garlic


Citrus Fruits

Grains and Bread Dough

Now - Let's dive into these delicious frozen recipes and reward your dog with a homemade, tasty snack this summer!

5 Simple Summer Homemade Dog Treats:

1. Frozen Blueberry Delights:


1 cup blueberries

1/2 cup plain yogurt (make sure it's free of artificial sweeteners)

1/4 cup water


Blend the blueberries, yogurt, and water together until smooth.

Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or silicone molds.

Freeze for about 3-4 hours or until the treats are firm.

Pop the frozen treats out of the trays and store them in an airtight container in the freezer.

2. Frozen Chicken Broth Cubes:


Low-sodium chicken broth


Pour the chicken broth into ice cube trays.

Place the trays in the freezer until the broth freezes completely.

Once frozen, remove the chicken broth cubes from the trays and store them in a freezer-safe container or bag.

-Use these frozen chicken broth cubes as a refreshing and flavorful treat for your dog on hot summer days.

3. Watermelon Frosty Paws:


2 cups seedless watermelon, cut into chunks

1/2 cup coconut water (make sure it doesn't contain added sugars)


Puree the watermelon chunks in a blender until smooth.

Add the coconut water to the blender and blend for a few seconds to combine.

Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or silicone molds.

Freeze the treats for about 3-4 hours or until solid.

Remove the frozen treats from the trays and store them in a freezer-safe container.

4. Peanut Butter and Banana Bites:


1 ripe banana, mashed

1/4 cup creamy peanut butter (make sure it doesn't contain xylitol)


In a bowl, mix the mashed banana and peanut butter until well combined.

Scoop spoonfuls of the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Place the baking sheet in the freezer for about 2 hours or until the treats are firm.

Remove the frozen treats from the baking sheet and store them in an airtight container in the freezer.

5. Berry Ice Cubes:


Assorted berries (such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries)



Rinse the berries thoroughly and remove any stems or leaves.

Place the berries in ice cube trays, distributing them evenly among the compartments.

Fill the trays with water, ensuring that the berries are submerged.

Place the trays in the freezer and let the water freeze completely.

Serve these berry ice cubes to your pup as a tasty and hydrating summer treat!

With these 5 simple homemade dog treats ideas, you can treat your furry companion to delicious and refreshing snacks all summer long. Homemade treats allow you to control the ingredients and prioritize your dog's health and well-being. Remember to avoid toxic foods and always consider your dog's individual preferences and dietary needs. So, gather your ingredients, follow the straightforward instructions, and enjoy! Let's treat our dogs this summer!

Feel free to share your favorite recipes in the comments! I hope you enjoy the image of this blog I designed as well! Thanks for reading,


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